Relegation and Energy ... 10-kyu? Making life more stones
After the brilliant performance of the undersigned in the Italian Championship 2008 (1 win out of 5 games) is in the air downgrading, probably to 10 kyu.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Lays Potatoe Chips In A Can
Takemiya Masaki believes strongly in the Chinese rules. According to Chinese rules the main purpose is not to win, thanks to the territory, but thanks to the proper placement of as many living stones on goban. This difference in perception has a great effect on the "feel" that you have for the game. It means thinking "How can I place on possible living stones goban?" Instead of "How can I get more of my opponent's territory?" which leads to emphasize the corners and edges in the manner of Japanese game. Takemiya is not planning to do so when he plays the territory but rather to develop or expand its position. The result is often a moyo.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Accidentally Left Stainless Steel Pan On Burner
possible directions of the strategy of fighting
E 'can set the game of Go only on the directions of the fighting that is neglecting the area in a natural way through originerà all'atsumi. To apply this strategy is necessary to know the points of invasion (their own and those of your opponent).
E 'can set the game of Go only on the directions of the fighting that is neglecting the area in a natural way through originerà all'atsumi. To apply this strategy is necessary to know the points of invasion (their own and those of your opponent).
Friday, July 18, 2008
How To Get Getty Images Without The Watermark
single creature is stronger than many small creatures
Go When you play you should see all your stones as part of a single body, a single creature. If you do not divide your creature in many small creatures, you will be able to win the game easily.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Can Exercise Change Your Periods
identify himself and win a game
slip into your opponent is of vital importance in the game of Go Before playing one of your move, try to think 4-5 moves that would make your opponent. Sort them according to their strength and giocatele place. You will notice that even its mistakes. Of course, always prefer the moves feel than the cheeks.
slip into your opponent is of vital importance in the game of Go Before playing one of your move, try to think 4-5 moves that would make your opponent. Sort them according to their strength and giocatele place. You will notice that even its mistakes. Of course, always prefer the moves feel than the cheeks.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Color Of Poo When Pregnant
Directions dell'atsumi
You, to direct the course of the game through
directions dell'atsumi
You, to direct the course of the game through
directions dell'atsumi
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How To Paint Sheer Miniatures
The foundation of the game of Go
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
You Don't Know Song From Jewelry Commercial
control of the mind: the third eye
At this level of perfection, pursued by the ancient shamans, anything is possible and we become immediately aware of the assumption: "All is One and One is All." It 's like if you opened a door, the third eye and it is merged with the mind of the Creator, with God Those who do not believe in God are those who have never had mystical experiences. In any case I do not think that exists on earth a person who has the courage to refuse, at least once in the VTA, which happened to be something strange or paranormal. These coincidences of the classic ...
Speaking of Go: being able to dominate and control the two positive energies (white stones) and negative (Black stones), is already a big step towards The knowledge of the Absolute.
At this level of perfection, pursued by the ancient shamans, anything is possible and we become immediately aware of the assumption: "All is One and One is All." It 's like if you opened a door, the third eye and it is merged with the mind of the Creator, with God Those who do not believe in God are those who have never had mystical experiences. In any case I do not think that exists on earth a person who has the courage to refuse, at least once in the VTA, which happened to be something strange or paranormal. These coincidences of the classic ...
Speaking of Go: being able to dominate and control the two positive energies (white stones) and negative (Black stones), is already a big step towards The knowledge of the Absolute.
Converting An Oven Into A Smoker
Control in the game of Go
Check energies 2:
1. positive (white)
2. negative (black)
Check energies 2:
1. positive (white)
2. negative (black)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Do Grown Men Still Get Wet Dreams
Site carriages, buggies and motorcycles
Here is a site that has nothing to do with the go but could involve other people:
Contact: dragotigre AT gmail . com
Phone: 0363.396070
Here is a site that has nothing to do with the go but could involve other people:
Contact: dragotigre AT gmail . com
Phone: 0363.396070
Who Is Patricia Bath Married To
Go is composed of two energy ... a positive and a negative
Circle => Atsumi
control positive and negative energy
Circle => Atsumi
control positive and negative energy
Friday, May 16, 2008
Can Rabbits Eat Tangerines
Atsumi! Here's where it comes from the energy
I noticed that the books of Go, the term "Atsumi" was translated incorrectly. I got started reading the book "All about thickness. It 's always difficult to translate a concept and bring it into another language. Sometimes certain words do not exist in the language translated. It 's the case of the word "Atsumi" in Japanese and translated as "thickness" in English. In Italian could be translated as power or energy, although that term does not translate perfectly all that mean. Also, the area creates the force, in two directions, downwards and upwards (if it is surrounded). I felt that translating the word "Atsumi" from one language to another has lost something on the street. "Atsumi" is the potential energy arising by a group of connected stones. It is not enough to have a connected group of stones (ie create the "thickness") to get the Atsumi, these stones must also create a potential energy, namely, that opposing groups close to it are weak.
I noticed that the books of Go, the term "Atsumi" was translated incorrectly. I got started reading the book "All about thickness. It 's always difficult to translate a concept and bring it into another language. Sometimes certain words do not exist in the language translated. It 's the case of the word "Atsumi" in Japanese and translated as "thickness" in English. In Italian could be translated as power or energy, although that term does not translate perfectly all that mean. Also, the area creates the force, in two directions, downwards and upwards (if it is surrounded). I felt that translating the word "Atsumi" from one language to another has lost something on the street. "Atsumi" is the potential energy arising by a group of connected stones. It is not enough to have a connected group of stones (ie create the "thickness") to get the Atsumi, these stones must also create a potential energy, namely, that opposing groups close to it are weak.
Broken Pinky Finger Treatment
Win or lose
When playing Go, chess or just practice a sport where there are opponents to beat, remember that they are the ones that you need to beat but yourself! We must overcome their limitations, not opponents, who are thanked for allowing the carrying out of the game, have you done and especially pleased to have you grown. Defeat is always possible but should not be cause for regret, it is simply accepted provided we are aware of having given the maximum, ie 110% of what you could give:). If you do as I told you, know that I, an ordinary person, wherever you are, I'll always be proud of you!
When playing Go, chess or just practice a sport where there are opponents to beat, remember that they are the ones that you need to beat but yourself! We must overcome their limitations, not opponents, who are thanked for allowing the carrying out of the game, have you done and especially pleased to have you grown. Defeat is always possible but should not be cause for regret, it is simply accepted provided we are aware of having given the maximum, ie 110% of what you could give:). If you do as I told you, know that I, an ordinary person, wherever you are, I'll always be proud of you!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Southpark Online With Quicktime
Towards perfection in game of Go .. Tactics and Strategy
Considering the position of forces in the field (area and Atsumi / energy), the player of Go try to find the optimal sequence of moves to get the maximum profit. The more the level of play is high, more so than this will result in a balanced position. And 'well throw up clear and well defined goals during the game, just like in life, otherwise you risk shooting at empty, and therefore do not realize in terms of points. The ultimate goal is clearly a victory, which can be achieved through the achievement of intermediate objectives (killing or not killing of a group, creating the territory, creation of energy, etc ...) designed to return the maximum profit in a given position. The outline of the day:
2. TACTICS (sequence of moves)
Considering the position of forces in the field (area and Atsumi / energy), the player of Go try to find the optimal sequence of moves to get the maximum profit. The more the level of play is high, more so than this will result in a balanced position. And 'well throw up clear and well defined goals during the game, just like in life, otherwise you risk shooting at empty, and therefore do not realize in terms of points. The ultimate goal is clearly a victory, which can be achieved through the achievement of intermediate objectives (killing or not killing of a group, creating the territory, creation of energy, etc ...) designed to return the maximum profit in a given position. The outline of the day:
2. TACTICS (sequence of moves)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Gastroparesis And Vulvodynia
matters most in the tactics or strategy? The question is very interesting and deserves attention. First try to understand what it means and what tactics, however, strategy. I found the website of Dr. Albanians , an avid chess player, a clarifying response. The tactic
can be defined as the ability to find and calculate combinations. It is important at all levels, probably the most general and fundamental characteristic. In fact one of the most striking features of the beginner (kyu) is the lack tactics. He does not see the moves! It does not have good reading skills. The
strategy can be defined as the understanding of the position with the ability to develop meaningful plans for the conduct of the game.
In chess, the strategy for the beginner is certainly less important than tactics. If the player does not aspire to average levels (remember that the strength of a player with 1,600 points ELO player easily beats any coffee ...), the strategic understanding of the usual concepts (weak pawn, open column, block etc.). Is so vague and theoretical hardly be able to put it into practice without a solid tactical competence. In
kyu Go player tends to be more strategic and less tactical. This is because being tactical is much harder, you read well the moves, calculate, etc. ... Instead, the player is dan much more tactical.
Professional is both strategic and tactical know to get the most from a particular location.
I developed a mindset that should serve to grow faster:
1.Tattica (empathize, predict, anticipate, creation of solid forms, etc. ..)
2. Strategy (directions, use of force (given by the influence), concrete points etc ...)
Monday, April 21, 2008
What To Write In A Sympathy Card
Energy Using the power of the stones
Each stone has a bit 'of energy. More stones linked together are obviously a lot more energy. The energy that is created through the goban oriented style of play is disruptive influence. Playing for the territory does not pay to play like the flu. Who knows the secrets of energy (given the influence) and can handle dominated the match from start to finish. Once you create energy, you can convert it into points (useful for winning the game), pushing an opponent against it. The invasions by the opposing party must be managed in the best way, attacking in the right direction to create more energy needed to lead an invasion into enemy territory. It 'important to create points of invasion for the opponent to use to their advantage by attacking and creating energy around these points. Here is a new scheme based on energy of the stones, the idea is to create an energy cyclical
1. Identify oneself
2. Strategia/Punti d'invasione =>
3. Attacco/Direzioni =>
4. Forme Solide =>
5. Energia =>
6. Punti o Invasione (stile di Takemiya Masaki)=>
7. Punti o Energia (=> ciclo = si torna al punto 4, per creare energia è necessario creare delle forme solide)
Each stone has a bit 'of energy. More stones linked together are obviously a lot more energy. The energy that is created through the goban oriented style of play is disruptive influence. Playing for the territory does not pay to play like the flu. Who knows the secrets of energy (given the influence) and can handle dominated the match from start to finish. Once you create energy, you can convert it into points (useful for winning the game), pushing an opponent against it. The invasions by the opposing party must be managed in the best way, attacking in the right direction to create more energy needed to lead an invasion into enemy territory. It 'important to create points of invasion for the opponent to use to their advantage by attacking and creating energy around these points. Here is a new scheme based on energy of the stones, the idea is to create an energy cyclical
1. Identify oneself
2. Strategia/Punti d'invasione =>
3. Attacco/Direzioni =>
4. Forme Solide =>
5. Energia =>
6. Punti o Invasione (stile di Takemiya Masaki)=>
7. Punti o Energia (=> ciclo = si torna al punto 4, per creare energia è necessario creare delle forme solide)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ngton Royal Art Pottery
E' uscito il nuovo numero, il 4, de " Il Ritorno della Gru " con un articolo interessante, a pagina 25, sull'uso della forza (thickness) scritto da me e ispirato da un altro articolo di Sorin Gherman proveniente dal suo sito . Buona Lettura!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sleep Apnea United Healthcare
One very simple scheme
Ho pensato a questo schema semplice and easy storage:
1. Empathize - solid forms
2. Directions => Points
Ho pensato a questo schema semplice and easy storage:
1. Empathize - solid forms
2. Directions => Points
Monday, April 14, 2008
Pix Of Men Wearing Skirt Suits
Why Should The Morning After Pill Not Be Banned
Speed: Enter the turbo but with caution ...
To Go in speed is the ability to anticipate his opponent preventing them from occupying the important points on goban or to create beautiful forms. Typically, the stage of fuseki (early game) you must be fast for can not rise as quickly as possible the large dots on goban, for example, Hoshi (also called star point, ie points stronger) or hoshi points near the corners and then sides. The star plays a very important point and as the stars in the sky are used to orient themselves on goban. In
handicap game with stones down, or against weaker opponents is important that the fastest possible , since you have no time (or do not want it) to immediately create forms solid but is necessary to prevent an opponent to create beautiful forms or to occupy important strategic points on the goban as Hoshi.
Warning to be fast against stronger opponents ! Be careful or you might be forced to create forms of bad or even worse, losing the whole group on goban. Read all the moves that you intend to do first!
To Go in speed is the ability to anticipate his opponent preventing them from occupying the important points on goban or to create beautiful forms. Typically, the stage of fuseki (early game) you must be fast for can not rise as quickly as possible the large dots on goban, for example, Hoshi (also called star point, ie points stronger) or hoshi points near the corners and then sides. The star plays a very important point and as the stars in the sky are used to orient themselves on goban. In
handicap game with stones down, or against weaker opponents is important that the fastest possible , since you have no time (or do not want it) to immediately create forms solid but is necessary to prevent an opponent to create beautiful forms or to occupy important strategic points on the goban as Hoshi.
Warning to be fast against stronger opponents ! Be careful or you might be forced to create forms of bad or even worse, losing the whole group on goban. Read all the moves that you intend to do first!
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