Felice in amore?
I can be happy in love?
This is the question that arises now Yahoo. To know exactly, says you have to answer 13 questions. That's it? Yes but the answers themselves, must be dictated by the heart ... try:
1. Why was our relationship and what is so special? It 'important to understand to know what you have to work to keep the balance.
2. I was truly myself with him? If you've built an image different from the real need to start changing it, what matters are naturally and spontaneously.
3. As we see our love story? This is a test to do together, where you and him you must see the way you see. If the images match the two of you are well on the way, if you are confused it means that there are few prospects. You must feel the same way on your report because it is a condition without which it is impossible to make progress.
4. So create harmony in the couple? know how to put together your diversity with those he is an important factor to keep you together.
5. Can we change together? Asking this question is important to understand that level of commitment, passion and intimacy in your relationship there. Try for example to support its projects and make him understand that he's important for you to support your family. It takes even 5 minutes a day to see if a change set is really possible.
6. I can endure its shortcomings? An important question to understand the level of tolerance and perhaps my love for him.
7. are as-is or how he wants him? "You only know if you've constructed a false image of yourself in his eyes as he wants you to be. The only way that really works is a story to be themselves, while always trying to come meet.
8. I can be alone even if they are with him? "Becoming oneself is a fundamental requirement to be comfortable with your partner, even in the midst of a party. Being stuck out even when it is not a symptom of the couple's relationship but a symptom of insecurity. In addition, make different experiences and then raccontarsele is beautiful and enriches the relationship.
9. when we fight I face the real problems or just say things that make you angry? When we fight saying things that hurt? Think and try to determine whether an argument is an excuse to vent your dissatisfaction to you or to solve a real problem head on.
10. I take my responsibilities after a fight? "When you fight you always in two, so everyone should take its responsibilities. If you can do a little 'healthy self-criticism to mean that you also know where you have to work to improve.
11. I think I hate him sometimes? Think that your partner is unbearable can be liberating and helps to release tension. I choose not emasculate the long faces and try to dissolve as the sense of frustration to him.
12. Sto facendo sempre gli stessi sbagli? Cerca di capire se stai ripetendo un comportamento automatico e analizzalo. Se si tratta di uno schema modellato su una storia passata spezzalo immediatamente, perché è un sicuro elemento di infelicità.
13. Sto meglio quando sono con a lui? Questa è la domanda più importante. Se lo guardi negli occhi cosa provi? Rispondi a te stessa con la massima sincerità e saprai cosa do.
Ok I try to respond, then I will tell you!