Sunday, November 28, 2010

Milena Velba Flowered

custom work, designs and business gifts

craft Favors .

work, logo, designs and business gifts

We can produce personal products, with logos and designs from our proposed customers. We can make business gifts branded with engravings, signatures on glass and metal.

We create custom favors decorations, initials of the couple and the date, we can print personal ads with photos for many other creative work to make your wedding unique and special.

Please contact us for cost estimates customized to:

bombonierestefan @ gmail. com

or by phone at: 041-5951851

Favors Stefan

Street East Gate 10

30020 Marcon (Venice)

napkin rings engraved with the LOGO

Friday, November 26, 2010

Western Birthday Cakes Images

Favors Stefan

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Marlin 30.30 Win Modle.336

We pack professional


We can prepare items such as wedding favors and elegant packaging with the utmost professionalism
We use only quality materials, satin and fine confetti that will make your favors even more beautiful for a day unforgettable as the wedding.


stylish package with the best materials


Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Happened To Sandra-model

Bomboniere Wedding List online shop

Wedding List ONLINE:

Favors Stefan now also offers the Online Wedding List, a couple can easily choose the products from our catalogs, we will prepare a personalized page with all the gifts from the best brands in the gift industry.
The gift list will allow you to receive exactly what you want without any surprises, to your home wherever you are without any commitment or obligation to purchase, rather Favors Stefan reward the couple with their own percentage according to the gift received.
as the wedding list that has no obligation to buy, you will receive only what has actually been given el 'you can decide whether to buy unsold advantage of our personal regalo percentuale o se fare dei cambi merce dell' ultimo minuto con la massima flessibilità.
I regali vi saranno spediti direttamente a casa tramite corriere Bartolini o tramite Sda ovunque Vi troviate in tutta Italia senza nessun problema e con la massima velocità, potrete decidere se ricevere la merce man mano che vi viene regalata in varie frazioni, oppure se riceverla tutta assieme alla chiusura della lista di Nozze e all' indirizzo che vi è più comodo.
Ceramiche Thun, pentole Lagostina, acessori cucina Wmf, vetri artistici Muranocom, vetri di design Ivv, oggettistica Legnoart, profumazioni Millefiori, argenteria Stilarte, ceramiche Bitossi, porcellane Royal Albert e Villeroi & Boch e moltissime altre firme prestigiose.
I nostri marchi sono indiscutibilmente tra i più prestigiosi e innovativi del Mondo pertanto non hanno nessun problema di difetti ad ogni modo gli oggetti sono sempre coperti dalla Nostra personalissima garanzia di qualità anche in caso di rottura o di problemi nella spedizione.
La procedura è la seguente, gli sposi ci contattano e preparano la loro Lista di Nozze, noi prepariamo una pagina personalizzata con foto e prezzi dei regali, agli sposi verrà inviato un link dove dirottare i propri amici e parenti per i regali sul nostro sito internet.
I parenti ci contattano per fare i regali facilmente con gli strumenti che loro preferiscono, sia via internet con le email, in maniera classica the phone or by fax etc etc.
Once you choose your gift can easily pay by bank transfer, paypal, money orders, decide whether to send a greeting card for spouses or dictate a sentence that custom we will attach to the elegantly packaged gift pack.
The spouses may choose whether to receive the gifts as they are made or if you receive at the end of the list may change at any time, modify or replace the items chosen and also those gifts with maximum flexibility.
have any questions or concerns you can call us at 041-5951851 or by email to bombonierestefan @ gmail. com we are at your disposal for any clarification.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vomiting Stomach Acid

Favors Stefan November 2010


video from YouTube