Thursday, September 1, 2005

Rabbit Hutch Blueprints Indoor

Scrivi per Comunità Nostra

Ah la carta stampata... quanto ci può dire uno scritto su carta oltre al contenuto delle parole... forse l'usura, qualche piega, macchiolina, scarabocchio, ci dicono quante persone hanno lasciato traccia, quanto è stato scritto avrà avuto i più disparati commenti del lettore, che, chi lo sa, per hobby, studio, passione ha apprezzato o sopportato la lettura.
E pensare alle ore che lo scrittore o chi per lui, ha scritto, riletto, rivisto, corretto, cambiato il testo per portarlo alla perfezione, oppure ha tralasciato, per una semplice e banale svista, qualche errore.
Dicevano, dopo l'avvento di cotanta tecnologia, che la carta stampata avrebbe began to have less and less fans, less public would have been used to show itself to the new way of writing with both hands, 10 fingers, pressing the buttons as you play a piano, where information runs faster, is cooler up to date.
And then, the obvious advantage of the latter is that in most cases is free, free, available 24 hours on 24, not cluttered like a newspaper, not heavy like a book, there's all kinds and colors.
But it is perennial and lasting as ink on paper? You can touch? You can highlight, circle, scribble what you read? All but everyone can use them, even those who do not chew anything hi-tech?
course not ... you can not even put it in the bookshelf at home. A space that can instead be occupied by a publication as Our Community, the six-monthly magazine that comes in the families of the Parish Community of Salzano, free information, free for all, news articles compiled from the community that comes to us from you readers!
This is the formula that makes this book have a great role in informing the town of Salzano, and then reach into the homes of all of us.
I ask all, in the name of the other members of the editorial board of Our Community, to make a personal help, through an article or anything else for the next issue which will be released at Christmas 2005. You want to deal with any subject, for example the experiences of the summer camps in the mountains with church groups, or what you would like to tell about the life of the country ... to you free reign, indeed, white paper ... the hard work of revision will be made by the Editorial Board.
There are several ways to send your material, and the preferred one is given by mail, which is comunitanostra (at) for the simple advantage that contains, or for those who do not like the PC, you can deliver everything from Archives of the parish rectory in Via Roma 57.
Please respect as final deadline for delivery, November 1, 2005.


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