Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wendy Calio Navel Pierced

Compito a casa

I can be happy in love?

I worked, I played all (or almost) the homework. Asking me questions these days has become like an alarm clock in the morning, like breakfast for children, such as water to drink ... inevitable.

It was not easy I must admit, was not particularly easy to answer the first question:

1. Why was our relationship and what is so special? It 'important to understand to know what you have to work to keep the balance.

Il nostro è stato un colpo di fulmine. Custodisco quel giorno ancora con amore nel mio cuore, perché anche se è vero che ho tradito, quello che mi legherà a mio marito sarà sempre qualcosa di speciale. Anche se nel nostro rapporto si è formata una crepa, grande o piccola che sia, il nostro legame sarà sempre unico. Un rapporto è saldo per due motivi credo. Ti ami da morire oppure "ti ami" ma l'amore che ti lega all'altra persona è mutato, in qualche modo si è trasformato in qualcosa di astratto e impalpabile. Se prima c'era la passione che ci legava adesso c'è la forte conoscenza. Ho virgolettato quel ti amo perché I think that without being hypocritical for a couple that has been many years together is normal move to a more rational and less emotional. Less especially passionate. In the end it is always driving at that point.

A close friend says that he still single betroth only when it is sure to find the right woman to share a life together full of passion. I laugh in the face systematically.

A dear friend, girlfriend of eight years, says that passion is not everything in a couple, but there are still feelings strong passion ... what?

I'll be so cynical only because in this period of my life I feel I'm missing just one thing, this blessed passion? He speaks as if it were something tangible, a product that you buy at the supermarket. Unfortunately not, it would be a dream, would solve many problems though.

2. I was truly myself with him? If you've built an image different from the real need to start changing it, what matters are naturally and spontaneously.

Absolutely myself. I am in person! The only trait of my personality that does not know is that part of me lover, a woman desirous of pampering, but also more. The idealized woman who has her prince charming, creating an imaginary monster ... never exist as a man. Never will a man you can touch the stars with your finger ... in every sense, is not it?

For now I just answered these questions, but I'm curious to answer the rest of this phantom test.


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