Wednesday, September 21, 2005
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is that the Pro Loco di Salzano once again surprises with his initiatives:
A special competition. All candidates are, the cards will be distributed in various parts of the territory
They open the games. The salzanesi salzanesi and be prepared. Is about to leave the selection for the competition that will reward the best citizen of the town. Therefore, the whole city is preparing to give its preference to the person you deem worthy. All are at stake, everyone can have their say and, hypothetically, all are candidates to victory.
and as always the local tourist office to open the dances and to announce the initiative, which wants to "draw the attention generally and correctly recognize the skills and commitment of particular personalities who have distinguished themselves throughout the year for example and concrete activities of moral or material, " explains the association's chairman Maurizio Baschiera.
now begins the discovery phase of the candidates, leading to the award ceremony in December and award the title of "Salzanese Year" . The votes of the jury, ie the public, can be expressed by filling some cards are distributed throughout the City that will be collected. At this point, keeping in mind the directions of the city, a panel of experts will take over the territory that will be required to have the last word.
The award will therefore be given to those who have able to stand and Salzano Robegano in the fields of social, sport, culture e lavoro, a favore della crescita del paese. “Questo concorso si propone di risvegliare l’orgoglio e l’esempio operativo dei salzanesi che svolgono nel quotidiano un ruolo importante per lo sviluppo futuro del paese” conclude Baschiera.
La cerimonia di chiusura sarà ospitata il 4 dicembre all’hotel Belfiore di Salzano.
di Giorgia Gay per LA PIAZZA
Monday, September 19, 2005
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Friday, September 16, 2005
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Et dulci sin fundo, nel Gazzettino del 16/09/2005 compare un importante articolo sull'Associazione Tempo e Memoria che grazie al lavoro svolto permette la realizzazione di un'importante opera musicale nella chiesa dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo a Venezia.
"Tutto in lui", Pius X in the history of music
Three years of work preparing the work, which will be presented later this month in Venice and Salzano Salzano
"Omnia in Christo establish," he liked to repeat the beginning of '900 Giuseppe Sarto , better known as Pope Pius X. A maximum returns today from the parts of Salzano, City where the Pope was pastor for nine years (1867 to 1875), in the form of a musical work: "Everything about him." Work in the form of oratory, entrusted to the composition of texts Omar Francis and Nicola Bergamo, which tells the story of the historic Pope Riese, through the singing, accompanied by Janus Orchestra conducted by Carlo Rebeschini. A real event, a mammoth musical project that took three years of preparation, an orchestra of over 50 elements (in collaboration with the Teatro La Fenice), 4 chorus and six soloists. The main responsibility for the completion of this work, which combines a love of music with faith and devotion, is the cultural association salzanese "Time and Memory". A small circle, but extremely active, which does not hide a well-deserved satisfaction with the first result: the first opera, at the invitation of the Patriarch, to be held in Venice, Saturday, Sept. 24, in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul. A classic modern style but in archaic: a definition that makes you smile, but quite fitting. Francescato, In fact, he preferred to use, since the thickness of the subject, styles, and liturgical forms belonging to the more rigid ecclesiastical tradition: many styles of music, avoiding experiments of avant-garde, will alternate depending on the context in the scene. Sponsored by several private public, the work will be repeated on Monday, September 26 Salzano, Dean of the Church. To underline the fact that, on both occasions, the entry will remain strictly free to offer free. Joseph enthusiastic initiative Vardy, lord of the parish of Salzano. Soon followed by the applause: "The first in Venice proud Salzano-emphasizes the Mayor Bruno-Pigot and shows, as well a valorizzare la figura di Pio X, quanto le risorse di carattere culturale possano diventare un valore importante».
Davide Tamiello
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Proponiamo da Il Gazzettino questo utile articolo che ridisegna la circolazione del centro cittadino, naturalmente creando molto rumour tra i paesani alquanto sorpresi da questo inaspettato cambiamento.
Sensi unici e parcheggi, ecco la nuova viabilità sperimentale
Salzano(S.C.) Lungo via Roma rimane il doppio senso di marcia, in gran parte delle laterali no. E' stata introdotta nella mattinata di ieri, giovedì, la nuova viabilità sperimentale in centro storico, con l'istituzione di sensi unici (ma anche di nuovi parcheggi) che interessano le vie Marconi, Meucci, Micca, Oberdan, Allegri, Sauro, Manin e parte di via Mameli. L'obiettivo è quello di migliorare il transito e la sicurezza di pedoni, ciclisti e autoveicoli nell'area scolastica del capoluogo. Progetti ben più ambiziosi attendono un po' tutto il centro del paese, compresa l'arteria principale: una rotonda all'incrocio del "capiteo Longo" (fra le vie Montegrappa, De Gasperi e la stessa via Roma), ma, soprattutto, l'introduzione delle zone "a traffico moderato" (limite massimo, 30 km all'ora), con previsione di attraversamenti pedonali rialzati e dossi. Le novità presenti e future (per i lavori più consistenti se ne riparla in primavera), sono been described by the local Wednesday night during a public meeting. In his introductory report, the mayor Bruno Pigot has stressed the need for "moderate vehicular traffic in the center, as is already happening in many neighboring towns." The Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Public Works, Alessandro Quaranta, has instead focused on the amount of total expenditure (about one million euro) and the importance of the work, "as a complement to other measures already implemented, such as making of the square, the restoration of the spinning mill, and last in order of time, the bell tower. " There have been criticisms, expressed in particular by Roger Bruzzo (Fi): "Trovo discutibile che la nuova viabilità venga presentata al pubblico solo poche ore prima di entrare in vigore. Si pensa a limitare il traffico in centro, ma non alle poche attività commerciali rimaste, che così rischiano di perdere ulteriori guadagni. E via Sauro sarà congestionata dalle auto, molto più delle altre strade". Emilio Vecchiato (Lega Nord) si chiede se non fosse stato il caso di "attendere prima la ristrutturazione degli edifici in centro", mentre per Valentina Boato (Udc), che ha peraltro espresso dubbi sull'impegno di spesa, "i problemi si presenteranno soprattutto dopo, in seguito agli insediamenti dovuti alle nuove lottizzazioni".
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Sempre da Il Gazzettino,
article in the September 16, 2005 A fire
a tool shed for three homes near Fear
could have consequences far worse than the furious fire that developed last night in Gramsci Salzano.Verso to the 22 or so, maybe accidental, a tool shed next to two other dwellings took fuoco.Le flames licked up a two-story house with flames of fire dozens of high metri.Nei near Via Gramsci were purely by chance, following an accident Street, two patrols of police and Noale Scorzè that immediately felt, rushed on posto.Subito arrived in force after the fire by Mira and Mestre with four fire engines and fire were subdued after three hours of lavoro.I damage amounted to over one hundred thousand euro, but have not shown serious damage to homes, if not some problem on the walls and nothing More.l homes concerned were in the third while two properties are destroyed the roof of greenhouses for floriculture. They also burned about fifty pounds of firewood that she was ready for consumption for winter heating.
Louis Bortolato
Saturday, September 10, 2005
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Here's another interesting article in today's Gazzettino Mestre
MOTO. Omar Bortolato gold tip in the National Trophy Scootermatic
With the stage in the Pista Azzurra Jesolo, has run 'Northern Italy completed the phase of the "National Trophy Scootermatic. Articolatasi event in 6 trials and reserved for pilots of 50 cc scooter (with possibility 'of development until 70 cc).
Well, Omar salzanese Bortolato has won first place in the ranking of the group overall (231 points), ahead of fierce competition and experts such as Marco Baldassari (p. 223) and Mauro Mountain (p. 204).
With regard to race Jesolo, leading to Bortolato behavior. Author of the best time in qualifying, in the first round from the third position of the first round, slipped to 9. locked in place since the fall of the pilot which was at the wheel. Vehement pursuit to climb until it reaches close to the first and third place in comclusione. Second run. Start peremptory location just behind the tread Mountain. Cosi 'until the checkered flag. The centaur
Salzano driving his Piaggio ZIP / SP has played major role in this phase, North Italy, counting a total of 4 starters places (Pomposa Ottobiano, 2 Rioveggio), a second (Jesolo) and two-thirds (Pomposa, Jesolo).
"And now - says Omar - we arrived at the time when we play the entire season. I mean. On days 1 and 2 October and Autodromo di Adria 'to win the national title. Contenderselo To the best were sampled in the north and south. Competizione I look with some optimism, without more exalt 'much. I am aware that the step to gain more 'top of the podium require several components, all rigorously in a positive light. I repeat, we hope. As most fearsome opponents, I can indicate Mauro Montagna, pilot-packed experience that never surrenders, and the Neapolitan Colella, he too was marked by the characteristics of irreducible agonist. Also in the Adries festival also takes place in the European championship two races. Continental title, which I have already 'won in 2002, but in the category' Superscooter-DNA. "
" Should andarmi well to Adria, by winning the Italian title but also in Europe - learn Omar - can 'will be presenting the opportunity '. In words poor would be to pass the motion. Another commitment, no less glamorous, but far more 'expensive than with the scooter. Would spend more 'days a week in training, adjustments, transfers. In conclusion I should leave the job to the Motorcycle Dona 'di Aprilia. Decision, in all sincerity, 'to grow after a very careful consideration. Go to the professionalism and 'the dream of every rider. All right. But 'there are risks, undeniably.
There' s also report that in the race for the Pista Azzurra have received major placings well as other members of the team Motauto, all in-category Superscooter DNA. First, the expert Noalese Franco Piccirilli . Best in timed, even in iniziale manche era leader. Per meta' gara, perche' ad un certo punto una scivolata lo contringeva nelle retrovie, ad inseguire. Gran rincorsa e 5. posto. Maggior fortuna aveva nella gara due, concludendola terzo. Poi bene altresi' Nicola Marcato. Esordiente nel Trofeo, 24.enne di Noale, per lui un doppio 6. posto di buon auspicio. Infine Luca Ruggero, a ridosso della zona medaglie nella manche d'apertura (quarto). In quella successiva una caduta non gli permetteva di andare oltre la settima posizione.
Francesco Marcuglia
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Bige Forum Patty Cake
Si pensava... perché non inaugurare una rassegna stampa su Salzano?
Non vuole essere una cosa rigorosa, anche perché poi bisogna vedere se riusciamo a riportare tutti gli articoli che escono, senza farcene sfuggire qualcuno...
Comunque potrebbe essere una cosa interessante. Potrebbe fornire spunti di discussione e commento...
Vabbé, intanto iniziamo, poi vedremo.
Gazzettino di Mestre di oggi
Adesso può concedersi anche un pisolino di ...Cyril superstar!
SalzanoAdesso può concedersi anche un pisolino di mezz'ora pomeridiano, ma fino alla scorsa domenica ne passava ben 12 di ore al lavoro sul campanile. L'ultima sua fatica si è conclusa domenica scorsa con l'inaugurazione del campanile restaurato grazie alla sua tenacia e a quella dei suoi amici. Domenica sera la piazza era gremita per applaud but Muffato Cyril, 70, runs the thanks to all its citizens salzanesi for the commitment that the country has. I know that Cyril salzanesi Muffato is not new to these companies and they all remember the passion and determination have seen him work for the restoration of the first capital of votive via Whip, then the war memorial in the capital and Piazza Pio X "Longo" Via Monsignor Stocco. Cyril Mold is a modest person so that when someone points out the great tenacity that has brought in just eight months on the restoration of the tower he remembers the hard times when he was young and his brother Ivan in the fifties he worked as a migrant in Canterbury in Como. A person who has publicly thanked most of the other's wife Emilia, which has "granted" the day of San Bortolo a few days before the opening of the tower to participate along with the mass for the 43 years of marriage. "After the wonderful Sunday spent with my fellow citizens feel the need - says the president of the association for the restoration of the tower Cyril mold - to thank everyone for doing the right edge to the party with a massive turnout, but thanks especially goes out to all those people that I've been close to and above Spoladore Rino, Joseph Miele, Gianni Dori, Lino Muffato, Pauline Volpe, Gianni Pezzato, Lino Manente, Mario Maccatrozzo, the Spinning Chorus and its director Daniela Miele. The joy and excitement comes from his eyes and Cyril Muffato now has ready for the next idea that will lead to a possible new effort to start: the restoration of the Spinning Mill.
Louis Bortolato
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Kidde Bipping After Connected
Well today (September 7) I have known Fr Giancarlo.
I was in the rectory and went there, so I showed him the situation
computer and press room. Rob prepared for any problems or courses. The
Mgr. There has already alerted!
And very smart and funny. Friendly and helpful.
I think it will bring many good things in Salzano. We'll see.
It 's the first chaplain of Salzano che conosco che come auto non
ha una Fiat! :-) ha un'Opel Corsa Nera 2a serie. E per questo
lo stimo e ammiro!!! uff rimpiango la mia Opel...
Insomma tanti auguri don Giancarlo e un imbocca al lupo.
ps. si raccolgono offerte per il regalo di don Federico. la quota
attuale e bassina, spandete la voce.
Monday, September 5, 2005
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Purtroppo stamattina ho ripreso il lavoro.. Dopo due settimane di ferie, di cui una in montagna e una a casa, rieccoci al lavoro a guadagnarci due soldi.. Speriamo arrivi presto Natale!! Intanto eccovi una foto della combricola che torna verso casa dopo una meritata settimana di ferie in montagna!
Sunday, September 4, 2005
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Saturday, September 3rd I was at Looking at the Air Show for 45 years of aerobatic team.
The day's program included a series of performances by aerobatic teams from several countries and historical aircraft, all concluded by the program changes the aerobatic team.
short, a huge pile of aircraft maneuvered, including the Tornado.
were given also the acrobatic English, English and Swiss.
A truly interesting. Counting that we were lucky enough to have to pass to enter and access the exclusive the evidence (the show is open to the public only on Sunday). In short
relatives of the pilots of the Arrows could touch and climb on the plane with no problems ... Lucky them. My only chance was to see them at a distance of 20 meters.
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Friday, as already announced on this blog, there was a football tournament between Grest, Scout and Acierre. These good folks have done their utmost to express good game and entertain the public for the noble cause of properly greet the departing Don Frederick, who has performed in arbitrage.
The matches were played in almost hostile environment, given the lack of lines bianche che delimitano campo di gioco, aree e volumi. Non menzioniamo poi la cronica scarsità d'erba nelle aree di rigore.
Orbene la spettacolarità non è mancata, in particolare ricordiamo:
- Nella prima partita, Scout-ACR, i giocatori indossavano rispettivamente divisa gialla e divisa azzurra. Il celebre Nembo (degli Scout) indossava la maglia sbagliata, rischiando di confondere avversari e compagni di squadra. Tuttavia, la sua ampia figura, sebbene del colore invertito, non lasciava spazio a dubbi, consentendo di riconoscerlo anche ai giocatori più lontani. A un certo punto però, succede una cosa che per spiegare userò le parole testuali (più o meno) del cugino Damy:
Ma varda che roba! El xe tuto bombo! El his beer!At that point the great Nimbus decided it was time to close that shirt already heavy with chili and chili, and put in an undershirt.
- Second match, ACR-Grest. Enter into the field Damy, gasatissimo. Get started in the first minute surprise opponents and the public. Take in the attack, shouting for the masquerade ball, overwhelms an opponent, the ride continues, receiving the ball, walks in the door, slide over a defender. Do it. Warned.
period, the parties, one bar is transferred to the oratory, where Don has offered to all sandwiches, toast, sandwiches and drinks. Last but not least, two very good desserts (though I was a mess, I could be offended!).
Then Don Frederick wanted to make things right, making a speech. He thanked the community was to be his neighbor, he urged all present to continue their efforts with groups and taking forward the management of the oratorio (visible gassing Raffaele). He also called for an increase of birthday parties dressed with Latin-Americans.
In short, the speech was touching (although bad summary here), so that Edy says: "But Drio Xeo Xeo Drio Ndar change their parish or die?"
And here the night (my) and the story (mine) are concluded. If anyone has anything to add, use the comments.
And the results of matches?
should I know! I football do not like.
UPDATE: Rob has photos!
Saturday, September 3, 2005
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Last night while half of youth was participating in the triangular Salzanese Cup in honor of Don Federico (exceptional referee for the evening), but for a select few: Yo y mis companeros Nemby and Tompy (+ special guest straight from Trivignano, Mr.Toldy) we Adentro in this special celebration for the eighteenth birthday of Gloria Zampini. Gifts to the hand and pulled over a belt (that comparisons that!) We presented ourselves at Villa Zampini and immediately jumped to the eye imbalance, muy interesante!
Statistically, there would be 4 per mujeres hombre! Not bad right?!?
Actually first of all we noticed the banquet of the magnet, very rich and well-stocked, especially in liquids!
The evening begins with the sound of music and presentations, de magna and drink, de Varda and enjoy ...! He arrived on time gifts of more or less Arzilli speeches, and returnable bottles that were beginning to pile up!
Music Reggeaton gives the right rhythm to the evening, and between balloons and situations very, very "interesting" girls begin to warm the atmosphere to the sound of movements and choreography muy caliente! (Ask the Nimbus confirmation ...)
Since yesterday evening I love Latin music!
the night progresses, the dances wild and uninhibited by cocktails proceed great (thanks to the CD made by myself! NB mica'm going to put the ball of quacks in the cd if I know there are many girls with talents: P)
We are both guests and my friends and some go away ... but the cremated remains and begins a treasure hunt for a last gift to young adults! The birthday girl gets a scooter and go around in search of tickets Salzano that will lead to the award, and who I was and take the bike with a bit of instability and uncertainty, and we follow up xo Hunt through the streets of the country! Found, he returns home ... greet the fantastic girls who stayed there and quietly prepare for the night (did not need to spy to see how mom made them! bastava essere lì e tenere gli occhi aperti!) Buonanotte a Tutte, evviva le feste! Evviva la [Censurato]!
Friday, September 2, 2005
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Ebbene la notizia è ufficiale!!!!
Nel web c'è tutto. Don Federico ci lascia, e al suo posto arriva... don Giancarlo Pavan.
Ebbene i trasferimento sono stati davvero pochi, quest'anno. Proprio a Salzano doveva succedere questo? Cmq il nuovo don è stato ordinato quest'anno ed è stato diacono presso la parrocchia di Martellago.
E' originario di Marcon e ha 27 anni. Girano voci che sia un amante della musica (non si sa il tipo, though), also is rumored last week strolled in local parish (such as the canonical and the Oratory of St. Pius X). Maybe to check the situation. I mean we should give him a good luck!
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Tonight at 20:00 at the sports ground "WE Oratorio" Great Triangle between calcium AGESCI Group, Group AC Group and Grest. The event was organized to give a big hello to Don Frederick, who will leave for our parish to Montebelluna. Expect sensational actions by well known members of the various teams. Unknown is the choice of Don Frederick on the team that will play ... Good Luck a Tutti! Ah mi raccomando il TIFO!
Thursday, September 1, 2005
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Ah la carta stampata... quanto ci può dire uno scritto su carta oltre al contenuto delle parole... forse l'usura, qualche piega, macchiolina, scarabocchio, ci dicono quante persone hanno lasciato traccia, quanto è stato scritto avrà avuto i più disparati commenti del lettore, che, chi lo sa, per hobby, studio, passione ha apprezzato o sopportato la lettura.
E pensare alle ore che lo scrittore o chi per lui, ha scritto, riletto, rivisto, corretto, cambiato il testo per portarlo alla perfezione, oppure ha tralasciato, per una semplice e banale svista, qualche errore.
Dicevano, dopo l'avvento di cotanta tecnologia, che la carta stampata avrebbe began to have less and less fans, less public would have been used to show itself to the new way of writing with both hands, 10 fingers, pressing the buttons as you play a piano, where information runs faster, is cooler up to date.
And then, the obvious advantage of the latter is that in most cases is free, free, available 24 hours on 24, not cluttered like a newspaper, not heavy like a book, there's all kinds and colors.
But it is perennial and lasting as ink on paper? You can touch? You can highlight, circle, scribble what you read? All but everyone can use them, even those who do not chew anything hi-tech?
course not ... you can not even put it in the bookshelf at home. A space that can instead be occupied by a publication as Our Community, the six-monthly magazine that comes in the families of the Parish Community of Salzano, free information, free for all, news articles compiled from the community that comes to us from you readers!
This is the formula that makes this book have a great role in informing the town of Salzano, and then reach into the homes of all of us.
I ask all, in the name of the other members of the editorial board of Our Community, to make a personal help, through an article or anything else for the next issue which will be released at Christmas 2005. You want to deal with any subject, for example the experiences of the summer camps in the mountains with church groups, or what you would like to tell about the life of the country ... to you free reign, indeed, white paper ... the hard work of revision will be made by the Editorial Board.
There are several ways to send your material, and the preferred one is given by mail, which is comunitanostra (at) for the simple advantage that contains, or for those who do not like the PC, you can deliver everything from Archives of the parish rectory in Via Roma 57.
Please respect as final deadline for delivery, November 1, 2005.
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has long been discussed in recent years, of how to revive the old Social Centre, now called U.S. Oratorio. Raise? People might wonder why ...
I must say that since I was 15 or 16 year old many years have passed, but I still remember that very often, when we went out in the evening on Saturday night, often went to the Social Centre.
At that time (we were still in the 90s), not all had the motor, at least the scooter, and the place was practically a must. Then he started to leave Salzano, maybe not much, then came the first licenses and farther away. But at the same time, kids younger than us were beginning to get scooters 14 years, as well as mobile phones ... and then soon began to get out and Salzano did not attend the Oratory. Then there were several years where the speaker was open only on Sunday, and few people want to go to the streets on Sunday afternoon, the better a ride or better to go to one of thousands of cinema! The various management
oratory we have tried to beautify, restore and revive this gathering place, and with time and the sacrifices of many, this is happening.
They organized soccer tournaments, it was "set up" an evening of X-Box, one who loves to play football, many initiatives to bring back a reference to the social center for young people. Now this year
created a new direttvo with a couple of young people to "steer" along with other people. Ideas are not lacking, and even success. In fact, throughout the summer (and this week at least), the center is left open most nights of the week. All this thanks to the efforts of young volunteers who do not derive any benefit from this service.
And finally, in the evening, you see many young people in the community center, playing football, cards, ping-pong, with the x-box and even just to chat.
Congratulations to all for their work. Keep it up.
PS: If you have nothing to do, come to the Oratory one of these nights!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Flash Point For Leather
E' così, Don Federico Testa dopo anni di attività nella Parrocchia di Salzano, saluta i paesani e continuerà la sua attività di Capellano nella Parrocchia di Montebelluna dove andrà ad insegnare pure alle classi delle superiori!
Fremono i preparativi per salutarlo, e già si parla del nuovo "Don" che lo sostituirà, si dice che il nuovo capellano di Salzano sarà un certo Don Giancarlo Pavan...
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Pronti ad inaugurare questo luogo d'incontro tra Salzanesi.. Appena avremo qualcosa da dire, lo troverete scritto qui!!