Friday, as already announced on this blog, there was a football tournament between Grest, Scout and Acierre. These good folks have done their utmost to express good game and entertain the public for the noble cause of properly greet the departing Don Frederick, who has performed in arbitrage.
The matches were played in almost hostile environment, given the lack of lines bianche che delimitano campo di gioco, aree e volumi. Non menzioniamo poi la cronica scarsità d'erba nelle aree di rigore.
Orbene la spettacolarità non è mancata, in particolare ricordiamo:
- Nella prima partita, Scout-ACR, i giocatori indossavano rispettivamente divisa gialla e divisa azzurra. Il celebre Nembo (degli Scout) indossava la maglia sbagliata, rischiando di confondere avversari e compagni di squadra. Tuttavia, la sua ampia figura, sebbene del colore invertito, non lasciava spazio a dubbi, consentendo di riconoscerlo anche ai giocatori più lontani. A un certo punto però, succede una cosa che per spiegare userò le parole testuali (più o meno) del cugino Damy:
Ma varda che roba! El xe tuto bombo! El his beer!At that point the great Nimbus decided it was time to close that shirt already heavy with chili and chili, and put in an undershirt.
- Second match, ACR-Grest. Enter into the field Damy, gasatissimo. Get started in the first minute surprise opponents and the public. Take in the attack, shouting for the masquerade ball, overwhelms an opponent, the ride continues, receiving the ball, walks in the door, slide over a defender. Do it. Warned.
period, the parties, one bar is transferred to the oratory, where Don has offered to all sandwiches, toast, sandwiches and drinks. Last but not least, two very good desserts (though I was a mess, I could be offended!).
Then Don Frederick wanted to make things right, making a speech. He thanked the community was to be his neighbor, he urged all present to continue their efforts with groups and taking forward the management of the oratorio (visible gassing Raffaele). He also called for an increase of birthday parties dressed with Latin-Americans.
In short, the speech was touching (although bad summary here), so that Edy says: "But Drio Xeo Xeo Drio Ndar change their parish or die?"
And here the night (my) and the story (mine) are concluded. If anyone has anything to add, use the comments.
And the results of matches?
should I know! I football do not like.
UPDATE: Rob has photos!
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