Here's another interesting article in today's Gazzettino Mestre
MOTO. Omar Bortolato gold tip in the National Trophy Scootermatic
With the stage in the Pista Azzurra Jesolo, has run 'Northern Italy completed the phase of the "National Trophy Scootermatic. Articolatasi event in 6 trials and reserved for pilots of 50 cc scooter (with possibility 'of development until 70 cc).
Well, Omar salzanese Bortolato has won first place in the ranking of the group overall (231 points), ahead of fierce competition and experts such as Marco Baldassari (p. 223) and Mauro Mountain (p. 204).
With regard to race Jesolo, leading to Bortolato behavior. Author of the best time in qualifying, in the first round from the third position of the first round, slipped to 9. locked in place since the fall of the pilot which was at the wheel. Vehement pursuit to climb until it reaches close to the first and third place in comclusione. Second run. Start peremptory location just behind the tread Mountain. Cosi 'until the checkered flag. The centaur
Salzano driving his Piaggio ZIP / SP has played major role in this phase, North Italy, counting a total of 4 starters places (Pomposa Ottobiano, 2 Rioveggio), a second (Jesolo) and two-thirds (Pomposa, Jesolo).
"And now - says Omar - we arrived at the time when we play the entire season. I mean. On days 1 and 2 October and Autodromo di Adria 'to win the national title. Contenderselo To the best were sampled in the north and south. Competizione I look with some optimism, without more exalt 'much. I am aware that the step to gain more 'top of the podium require several components, all rigorously in a positive light. I repeat, we hope. As most fearsome opponents, I can indicate Mauro Montagna, pilot-packed experience that never surrenders, and the Neapolitan Colella, he too was marked by the characteristics of irreducible agonist. Also in the Adries festival also takes place in the European championship two races. Continental title, which I have already 'won in 2002, but in the category' Superscooter-DNA. "
" Should andarmi well to Adria, by winning the Italian title but also in Europe - learn Omar - can 'will be presenting the opportunity '. In words poor would be to pass the motion. Another commitment, no less glamorous, but far more 'expensive than with the scooter. Would spend more 'days a week in training, adjustments, transfers. In conclusion I should leave the job to the Motorcycle Dona 'di Aprilia. Decision, in all sincerity, 'to grow after a very careful consideration. Go to the professionalism and 'the dream of every rider. All right. But 'there are risks, undeniably.
There' s also report that in the race for the Pista Azzurra have received major placings well as other members of the team Motauto, all in-category Superscooter DNA. First, the expert Noalese Franco Piccirilli . Best in timed, even in iniziale manche era leader. Per meta' gara, perche' ad un certo punto una scivolata lo contringeva nelle retrovie, ad inseguire. Gran rincorsa e 5. posto. Maggior fortuna aveva nella gara due, concludendola terzo. Poi bene altresi' Nicola Marcato. Esordiente nel Trofeo, 24.enne di Noale, per lui un doppio 6. posto di buon auspicio. Infine Luca Ruggero, a ridosso della zona medaglie nella manche d'apertura (quarto). In quella successiva una caduta non gli permetteva di andare oltre la settima posizione.
Francesco Marcuglia
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