Salzano fa parlare di sè
Sempre da Il Gazzettino,
article in the September 16, 2005 A fire
a tool shed for three homes near Fear
could have consequences far worse than the furious fire that developed last night in Gramsci Salzano.Verso to the 22 or so, maybe accidental, a tool shed next to two other dwellings took fuoco.Le flames licked up a two-story house with flames of fire dozens of high metri.Nei near Via Gramsci were purely by chance, following an accident Street, two patrols of police and Noale Scorzè that immediately felt, rushed on posto.Subito arrived in force after the fire by Mira and Mestre with four fire engines and fire were subdued after three hours of lavoro.I damage amounted to over one hundred thousand euro, but have not shown serious damage to homes, if not some problem on the walls and nothing More.l homes concerned were in the third while two properties are destroyed the roof of greenhouses for floriculture. They also burned about fifty pounds of firewood that she was ready for consumption for winter heating.
Louis Bortolato
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