is that the Pro Loco di Salzano once again surprises with his initiatives:
A special competition. All candidates are, the cards will be distributed in various parts of the territory
They open the games. The salzanesi salzanesi and be prepared. Is about to leave the selection for the competition that will reward the best citizen of the town. Therefore, the whole city is preparing to give its preference to the person you deem worthy. All are at stake, everyone can have their say and, hypothetically, all are candidates to victory.
and as always the local tourist office to open the dances and to announce the initiative, which wants to "draw the attention generally and correctly recognize the skills and commitment of particular personalities who have distinguished themselves throughout the year for example and concrete activities of moral or material, " explains the association's chairman Maurizio Baschiera.
now begins the discovery phase of the candidates, leading to the award ceremony in December and award the title of "Salzanese Year" . The votes of the jury, ie the public, can be expressed by filling some cards are distributed throughout the City that will be collected. At this point, keeping in mind the directions of the city, a panel of experts will take over the territory that will be required to have the last word.
The award will therefore be given to those who have able to stand and Salzano Robegano in the fields of social, sport, culture e lavoro, a favore della crescita del paese. “Questo concorso si propone di risvegliare l’orgoglio e l’esempio operativo dei salzanesi che svolgono nel quotidiano un ruolo importante per lo sviluppo futuro del paese” conclude Baschiera.
La cerimonia di chiusura sarà ospitata il 4 dicembre all’hotel Belfiore di Salzano.
di Giorgia Gay per LA PIAZZA